Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thing 5

i am not going to create a flickr account today, though i might eventually. many of my friends have some kind of photo account or another, so i've been thinking about getting one. they really are pretty neat. as i was poking around the site, clicking on the links in our learningatlcpl blog, i came across the following picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/newportpubliclibrary/265298856/in/set-72057594124551311/
aren't banned books fascinating? when is banned books week anyway? and isn't there a book about banned books? i feel like i've seen one. maybe that details why each book has been banned? but maybe i'm making that up, i do that sometimes. i mean, for example: why is 'in the night kitchen' a banned book? because he's naked? (that's why it might not be a great idea to read it to a group of 3 year olds, but i'm not saying it should be banned! it's just hard to get them past that part.) and 'the lorax'? it makes me wonder how many of the books i've read are on that list.

1 comment:

Steven said...

Banned book week has been banned. We can't talk about it.