Friday, February 23, 2007


I tried searching for Learning 2.0 under different headings I found a few of the same things, but mostly different ones. And different blogs yet again when I did it under "Learning 2.0." It's fun when it comes up in other languages. Of course, searches on Anna Nicole Smith and Brittany Spears are popular right now. Which is depressing.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


I figured it out. Duh.


So, I signed up for But as far as I can tell (and maybe I'm missing something here)I can't actually add any tags without the buttons. Curious. You would think there would be another way to do it as well. At the very least they don't seem to explain another way anywhere. But I'll keep searching.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

AT first, I didn't think this would be useful at all. Even after watching the tutorial. But when I read Us.ef.ul I thought, well, I do really like bookmarking. And this claims to be even better. So, I may just sign up for an account anyway. I can definitely see how it would be useful for research. If I were researching. Or if I were any good at online research . . . though perhaps this would help make me better, should I ever have reason to online research again. Which, hopefully I will. But I won't make an account today because it's about time to go home. Gotta love Wednesdays. It's unnaturally quiet here - it's fantastic! One more reason to love snow.

Thing 12

Roll with me . . .
Disclamer: I mean that in a completely non-raver sort of way . . .

My feelings about Rollyo. It took much longer than I feel it should have and I'm not sure why. I'm not sure I like it. I can see how it could be useful, thanks to 'All Roads Lead to . . .' But I really don't think at this point there's a way to make it useful to me. Oh, and just so you know, most of those sites in my roll are not 'trusted.' Some of them are, some of them I've at least been to before, but mostly I was just trying to make a roll. I'll keep thinking about ways this could be useful for me.

Ps - Thanks to Jenn for teaching me how to make my links actual links!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Library Thing

I like this Thing. This Thing is fun. I went to sign up, and of course we have to put at least 5 books in the log. Naturally, I can't think of any of the books on my shelf at first and then the only ones I can think of are children's books. But as I got going I remembered some more. I can't believe I didn't think of Harry Potter until today. Anyway, I'll do some from home where I can stare at my bookshelf while I do it. I read adult books, I swear. :D Here ya go. Fun for all.