Friday, November 16, 2007


Denise! I miss you! I am going to try to come by the library next Wednesday, since you'll be closed Friday . . . I'm thinking around 4, but I'll update if anything changes. I can't wait to see everyone!

In other news, I have a job, though I probably won't really start until after Thanksgiving. I have had some training though. Yay retail. At least it's fun stuff! Plus, my brother and his fiancée are friends with one of the owners (there are five of them). I think they know some of the others too. Oh! And last 'weekend' I went to a friend from college's wedding and that was super fun. I had never been to a Jewish wedding, it was very cool. And I got to see a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a long time and then hang out with my brother. Pearl River, American Museum of Natural History, Kinokuniya, Central Park, Nintendo tetris, and wandering around NYC (for the first time by myself) fun! Now I should probably do some homework, since I'm guessing I won't get a lot done while I'm home! Hope to see everyone Wednesday!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey, it's Sarah. Looks like you're enjoying Boston. So glad. :-)

Congrats on exploring NYC alone. Not always easy, but at least you can go wherever you want. Which is pretty nice. I so would like to go to NY again, it's been soooo long.

Oh, and congrats on the new job! Looks like a fun place to work. Very crafty cool.

Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. If for some reason I don't see you, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sarah :)